Meet Joseph Nassise

We’ve asked each of our first five rights holders to help us write a blog post introducing themselves to you — giving you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into themselves and their work. But staffer Andromeda was having entirely too much fun learning about Joseph Nassise, so she wrote this up herself.

You guys!  Zombies.

So when I was getting to know Joe Nassise and trying to think of how to explain to you, the internet, what he’s about, I read about the new series of books he’s just launched and here’s the deal: they’re alternate history steampunk zombies.

Now if that isn’t enough, I don’t know what is. But if you just can’t get enough alternate history steampunk zombies, you can read more in Joe’s own words — he was featured on John Scalzi’s Big Idea just last week. You can even get a quick taste of his work for only $1.99, via this short story prequel. (Which features an utterly perfect cameo in the last scene, and no, I’m not telling who.)

Now this series just launched last week, so we’re not ungluing it (yet?). Joe has a long and distinguished career, including two stints as president of the Horror Writers Association and nominations for the Bram Stoker Award and the International Horror Guild Award. His work incorporates horror, sci-fi, suspense, urban fantasy — oh, and while we’re at it, graphic novels and action-adventure archaeology. We’ll be ungluing his debut novel, Riverwatch. Read more about it — and hear an audio excerpt! — at its campaign page at

(Zombies! You guys!)

Joseph Nassise

Joe is not a zombie.

About Andromeda

Romantic analytical technologist librarian.