Free eBooks by ISBN

After reflecting on the coming demise of xISBN, we decided to add an endpoint for free ebooks to the API.

The API documentation is at

With an API key, you can check if there’s a free ebook for any ISBN. ISBNs can be 10 or 13 digits, and can include dashes. This service returns all free-licensed ebooks for a work associated with an ISBN, and for each ebook includes information about file type, rights, and the provider hosting the file.

For example, here’s how to get a list of ebook files for “Homeland”.


 "meta": {"total_count": 3},
 "objects": [
    {"filetype": "pdf", "href": "/download_ebook/2576/", "provider": "Internet Archive", "rights": "CC BY-NC-ND"},
    {"filetype": "epub", "href": "/download_ebook/2577/", "provider": "Internet Archive", "rights": "CC BY-NC-ND"},
  {"filetype": "mobi", "href": "/download_ebook/2578/", "provider": "Internet Archive", "rights": "CC BY-NC-ND"}


 <objects type="list">
 <provider>Internet Archive</provider>
 <rights>CC BY-NC-ND</rights>
 <provider>Internet Archive</provider>
 <rights>CC BY-NC-ND</rights>
 <provider>Internet Archive</provider>
 <rights>CC BY-NC-ND</rights>
 <meta type="hash"
 ><total_count type="integer">3</total_count>

We’ll soon be integrating Gitenberg ebooks into this feed, too.